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Audio Visual

Power Flow Electrics is a design-build integrator of advanced conferencing, collaboration and presentation technologies.
Specializing in corporate solutions, clients look to PFE to help them communicate and collaborate locally and globally through video conferencing,
audio conferencing, digital signage, presentation systems and other audiovisual technologies.


  • Internal paging systems
  • Broadcast A/V
  • Public address systems
  • Sound masking systems
  • Electronic/digital signage systems
  • CATV
Power Flow Electrics exceptional experience makes us the provider of choice for many Fortune 1000 businesses, for addressing all facets of their A/V and ITS integration
needs. We serve as trusted advisors to clients in the design, procurement, staging, and integration of A/V components during construction, as well as during A/V upgrades and modifications. Creating this level of assurance does not come quickly; it comes from years of superior service and performance.